Region 13 Beach Clean Up
AL, D10N
On August 13th, Key Clubbers from all over Region 13 gathered at Santa Monica Beach for our first Region Beach Cleanup in 3 years. Once arrived, students from our 8 divisions of R13 Lionfish were split into teams and we played a variety of different games to bond and get to know one another. From Pasadena to Riverside, Region 13 is the biggest region in CNH, and Region events are an incredible opportunity to meet new members and officers from all over Southern California. With hundreds of students joining in, we were able to fill dozens of bags with trash from the beach, and help keep Santa Monica Beach clean and enjoyable for others. After picking up trash to serve our community, we were able to spend time at the Pier, get lunch, and take many photos before finally returning home after a long beach day. We hope that those that attended had fun at Region Beach Cleanup and were able to make friends and connections with other students from across our Region. Missed out? No worries. Join us at Region Night Market for more Lionfish fun!
Color Crash DCM
ML, Capistrano Valley, D04S
At the August DCM, it was our division, D04C, and D04E. I think we can all agree that we had a blast at Color Crash. This DCM had fun activities involving colored powder. In the beginning, I came and helped set up the signs and tables for later when we would sell food/drinks to fundraise! I also helped sign people in by collecting their papers to make sure we had a safe event! This helped us stay organized while having a lot of fun! We all wore white shirts so you could see the different colors on our shirts and in our hair! We played red light green light, did trivia about key clubs, and played a game of remembrance to see if we remember the names of others we had just met. My favorite activity was the key club trivia because I learned a few new facts about key clubs I hadn’t known previously.Through these games, I was able to meet others in our division and in the two other divisions. I especially enjoy DCMs because we are able to hear about other clubs in our area and what they are doing in their community. These DCMs are always so much fun! Although I was a colorful mess after this specific DCM, I had an amazing time with my key club community! After the event, the different divisions sold different food/drink items! They sold boba, otter pops, and spam wasabi. We did this to raise money for PTP!
Freshmen Package Making Social
CC, La Quinta, D04N
For the month of August La Quinta Key Club organized four service events, one of them being a two-hour social/service event with our buddy clubs Rancho Alamitos KC and Santa Ana KC. At Mile Square Park, we worked together to create 60 welcome care packages for the new freshmen. The bags included chips, pencils, erasers, candy, granola bars, and a little note. The notes had welcoming messages and tips for the new school year. We obviously suggested that they should join Key Club to kick start their high school career. I reminded them to wear their crocs in sports mode when they are on the run; no one wants to faceplant in their crocs. I hope the freshmen love and enjoy their care packages, especially the notes. I really enjoyed working with my fellow officers and Key Clubbers because we got to learn more about each other, catch up, and talk about future plans. I hope we have more socials and service activities with Rancho and Santa Ana!
Night Market DCM
SS, Santa Ana Valley, D04N
On August 27th, Division 04 North and Division 04 West wonderfully partnered together for this year’s- Night Market! I arrived fairly early and saw the magic occur as everyone hurried to finish setting up, balloons flying, and sweet picture-taking. Once the event officially started, there was lots of chatting and reconnecting between the two events, and everyone had a wonderful time! Soon enough our DCM started with club catch-ups beginning us off, member recognition, and the announcement of our spirit committee applications opening up soon! We all huddled together at the end for a well-needed picture and we all went back to the fun. There were lots of food and drinks to buy with cute bubbles flying around! The horchata and cake pops were really good and if we bought something, we got a stamp on our little tickets! It was all super adorable and such a good time. This year’s Night Market was amazing with lots of fun buying, talking, and singing along to the music!
Night of Lights
AB, Cataldi Park, D12E
To end of the month of August, our Key Clubbers got the chance to experience their first DCM, but at night! Which included D12E, D12W, and D12S at Cataldi Park. Members were able to make paper lanterns and were split into teams to play fun competitive games; and participate in fundraisers for charity! The DCM was really cool and I got to know a lot of people from across D12. I really enjoyed splitting up into groups with the other divisions and making lanterns while eating food like eggrolls and spam masubi. My most memorable experience at the DCM was playing a game where we split up into groups with people from across D12 and tried to finish the song lyric in a competition. It was really funny when we all sang Party in the USA together. DCMs are significant to me because they get me caught up on the division information and they also allow me to get to know people from across D12E. It's really a privilege to be able to do service with all these amazing people!