August DCM
MC, Westlake High, D42E
Westlake High School Key Club members and officers always love coming to DCMs, and last month’s August DCM was particularly memorable. Officers and members from different schools gathered at Conejo Creek North Park on Saturday, August 27th for our monthly DCMs as well as a rock painting service project. Each school gave updates on their current Key Club activities, and awards were also handed out. WHS Key Club also won “Club of the Month” for August and was able to bring “Ned the Narwhal” to our school! After the DCM portion, all of the members and officers gathered to help paint rocks for the kindness rock garden. Students could paint positive pictures or messages onto their rocks using the various art supplies provided by the Kiwanis Advisor. Kindness rocks are a great way to brighten up people’s day, and painting them during the August DCM was not only meaningful but also very fun!