Freshmen Package Making Social
CC, La Quinta, D04N
For the month of August La Quinta Key Club organized four service events, one of them being a two-hour social/service event with our buddy clubs Rancho Alamitos KC and Santa Ana KC. At Mile Square Park, we worked together to create 60 welcome care packages for the new freshmen. The bags included chips, pencils, erasers, candy, granola bars, and a little note. The notes had welcoming messages and tips for the new school year. We obviously suggested that they should join Key Club to kick start their high school career. I reminded them to wear their crocs in sports mode when they are on the run; no one wants to faceplant in their crocs. I hope the freshmen love and enjoy their care packages, especially the notes. I really enjoyed working with my fellow officers and Key Clubbers because we got to learn more about each other, catch up, and talk about future plans. I hope we have more socials and service activities with Rancho and Santa Ana!