Night Market DCM
SS, Santa Ana Valley, D04N
On August 27th, Division 04 North and Division 04 West wonderfully partnered together for this year’s- Night Market! I arrived fairly early and saw the magic occur as everyone hurried to finish setting up, balloons flying, and sweet picture-taking. Once the event officially started, there was lots of chatting and reconnecting between the two events, and everyone had a wonderful time! Soon enough our DCM started with club catch-ups beginning us off, member recognition, and the announcement of our spirit committee applications opening up soon! We all huddled together at the end for a well-needed picture and we all went back to the fun. There were lots of food and drinks to buy with cute bubbles flying around! The horchata and cake pops were really good and if we bought something, we got a stamp on our little tickets! It was all super adorable and such a good time. This year’s Night Market was amazing with lots of fun buying, talking, and singing along to the music!